Monday, July 30, 2007

Its a dreary.. drearier day

Drearier day? what fak mengarut is that? Actually its derrier kan. I wanna say the day started off with bontot-ness. Great bontot-ness.

Yes, because I had to work on a Monday that the morning kene lah turun hujan yang yummy! And since I cant pull my blanket and sleep and kene cari rezeki, maka I am jealous of those who can sleep further and enjoy the weather perfect to sleep in. That includes my husband.

On Saturday evening, Adik's fever and batuk got much better. Adik woke up and with his muka sardin "maaa, adik dah okay" Alaa cayannnggggg... berkat mama popok-popok and kasi ubat, selimut, dah okay. Mama missed going to Auntie Marissa's hourwarming tho but, since malam tu ada kenduri at Uncle Joe's, let's hit that then.

We took Acik along. Daddy had to work until almost midnight and we all got dressed for the kenduri and 20 minutes before we pushed off, i had a splitting headache!! Cara-cara nak hilangkan headache yang keparat itu is, to vomit, sapu head with minyak cap kapak and telan two panadol actifast. Wow!

Then before keluar rumah, aiyoo kene suap ubat batuk to both kids. Done nursing myself and them, looks like we have to find Uncle Joe's house ourselves. Andri and Hanim have moved on since we dah terlambat. When we reached Jalan Semantan 2, the kenduri started and they are in the midst of Yasin and almost Isyak time.

Azan Isyak was read by Joe. You have proven your voice is ONE HELL OF A VOICE DURING AZAN AND KARAOKE DUDE!!

Amy arrived shortly in time for Isyak prayers.

Makan time, we went round and round the buffet table together and ..... I kid you not, Amy's home made chocolate cake is our aim. It was gorgeous! We very well had our fried chicken, ulam, daging masak kicap, sweet sour fish... but, right after that we dashed for the cake, as fast as we could.

As usual. when we are at a friend's house, ada benda wajib yang kene buat.....
Those days when muka poyo was the in-thing. Zaman diskang. Zaman sekolah. Zaman baru akil baligh.

Then when the time comes to salam Joe's nenek and mum, we are labelled as
1) Mak and anak di anggap adik beradik
2) Budak umor nak masuk 30 tahun dianggap budak sekolah
3) Kawan2 yang berkulit dan berbentuk sama dianggap adik beradik
Boleh gitu?

That night we were given "berkat" before we left. The ladies went back with sehelai kain batik each and two dragon fruits from Joe's kebun.

The men went got themselves kain pelikat and 2 dragon fruits each.

Alhamdulillah. We said our goodbyes and , although we are aware that there is a function that night that USED to matter to us, but we are better off with this kenduri instead.

Our Saturday night, now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

quite interesting article. I would love to follow you on twitter.