Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Kenduri

Abang Razak held a kenduri on Saturday afternoon for very close friends and families at his parents' place in Kelebang, Melaka.

It was a place I have been to before, not knowing that I would come around again to this place. to somebody's house this time. The last time I was around that place was during treasure hunts looking for treasures, beli kat pasaraya Bintang and of course when I was on trips with family and destination was Riviera Bay Resort.

Weather was good, drive was smooth and the"essay" thatAbang read out to me (the direction) was very accurate. This guy of course know his way around even in his sleep.

Kita pun baca map itu sambil mekap pun boleh. Sampai jua ke destinasi.

When we arrived there, ada khemah best di tengah jalan. I can imagine kalau hari Abang kahwin macamana. Satu lorong tu agaknya layan khemah. We were greeted immediately by the cheerful and warm family (ada bapak dia yang hensem dan looks exactly cam bapak Rohani dalam Madu Tiga tu), we almost immediately forget about the afternoon heat. The faces that I have met and all this while looking forward to meet are all there.

Paired with good food (dont you just love authentic home cooked dishes?? *yes, I'm so gonna kill Kiff the ass, for papparazzing me devouring my lunch!) and good company, we all can just throw our heads back and laugh and be ourselves. I hope Abang was happy. The family organised a birthday cake for him and...... he shed a tear. Happy tears that his loved ones are there that afternoon, and sad for him to not see them for 7 weeks starting this Wednesday.

But everyone else, despite we are gonna miss him and cant imagine life without him around for that long, we are also proud of him for elevating himself to another level where everyone can only wish for now, they could.

I was happy to see Kiff, KK, Mr Pooks (PMM), Hain and abang's cousins all made it there and looks like Abang have bound us well.

Cekpakaran and Abang Shidan and kids, as well as Kak Ziah and family arrived a bit later.

On our way home, we wouldnt waste the chance to visit one of the heritage houses that was maintained for pelancong like us.. *heheh* to ambik gambar cam anak2 dan gadis2 desa gitu. auwww..

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Veil

Our smiles seems less surreal now. It lately acts as a veil to our aching hearts, to be apart from Abang Razak for some period a bit over a month, while he makes his journey to the Holy Land, untuk mengerjakan Haji. Our doa and our love for you, for your safe return with Haji mabrur.

Today is his birthday.

We, as usual, are inseparable. We made a point to be inseperable on this day even if it may not take the whole day, but we had excellent lunch and desserts and we, of course were full with laughter and soul-food.