Abang dengan sombongnya immediately DISSED my idea saying immediately that he don't like to watch live bands/jazz because he's pious/alim/"jantan lindungan kaabah". I dont know if he even told his two friends about my invitation. But I understand, for someone as anal as Abang, i am not suprised that either he forgot or he purposely dont want Kiff and KK to meet me just in case they "stole the spotlight" from him and he will be in his "dark ages" again.
Since he is so stuck up as hell, I said, never mind lah! Malas aku nak ajak dah.
So I invited NinMon and Atan instead.
Atilia will be performing with her mama, Salamiah Hassan, just like they did last few weeks in No Black Tie. Jr will play his role as the videographer.
Love you tia.
See you tomorrow night.
I rasa at this stage, kalau u ajak NinMon and Atan ke neraka pun dia ikut la. Apatah lagi kau ajak dia org dengar muzik. Lagilah ok. Kalau I dapat la panjang umor mcm salamiah tu, i doa jgn la i dok pegi telalak2 atau dgr org melalak2 sampai nak nampak anak tekak. Mintak2 I kuat iman dan glue my ass kat sejadah, berzikir. Mana tau ada rezki maklekat maut dtg menjengah ada masa i zikir, Insyaallah ada harapan sorga, cek oi! Tak caya, tanya Cekpakaran tu.Mesti dia anggok2.
i pun doakan u glue ur ass kat sejadah. Takyah i ngan AyaMedusa tengok you gelek your ass menari dangdut kat office lagi. Kah kah.
ok, you you think the way I comment tu 'bitchy' this is the mild one. Kita idup muda tunggu tua, tua tunggu mati. Tak lps tua dapat balek jadi muda (botok tk kira,itu palsu). Kaya mana kita, sedap mana suara kita, lawa mana kita sekali pun akan berakhir di kubur dan di himpun di Pdg Mahsyar. Di hisab. Di beri pembalasan. There is a full stop to anything we do in this world. Mtk2 hari Tuhan arahkan Izrael amek nyawa kita, kita d tempat dan sdg berbuat kebajikan.Jgn la kita sdg di tmpt yang mana jantan betina bercampur gaul, lampu samar2, leka mendengar nyayian, setan pun mendodoi2 kat telinga kita. Nauzubillah. Amacam? Ada gaya? Kalau kau tak meleleh airmata keinsafan, tak tau la apa nak di kato lg.wassalam.
bukan tangkap leleh je. dah terjun kat gerai durian dah.
I would like to re-define my statement about NinMon and Atan (my 1st comment).Honestly, I want these 2 lovebird ended up with paluan kompang, pas tu ayat aku terima nikahnya...bersanding, makan nasi minyak, Suap-suap depan org ramai lg.Live happily ever after mcm Snow White and The Dwarf - eh eh sori, The Prince yang cium dia tu.NinMon has gone thru such a trauma - in her marriage life as well as her working life.She has suffer for long period of time.So, I use neraka is merely to picture should anybody inform her that she can travel and find all the solution to her problem there, she will risk her life to get it.That goes as well to Atan.Swear, I don't meant any harm or intention to insult any of my friend, let alone NinMon, our dear sister...
Oh ya, I forgot to say this : As I quoted to Don, I promise to make it to their weeding day even for a second, even if I have to crawl....
I would like to take this opportunity to put out my condolences to my friend, A, who's ex husband passed away in the Nuri crash. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat di atas rohnya. Amin.
Alfatehah to him and the rest inside the crashed Nuri.Amin.I really hope our Gvmt replace Nuri with some other safer heli.In fact we should have done it much earlier.Everytime I heard about Nuri gone down,I would say, not a surprise.To me, it is just a matter which one, where and who is inside that fateful old flying metal.
Yes he didn't invite. Actually we are happening. I like Atilia since the Coca Cola advertisment
awwww.. soo sweet. That was long ago. I will tell Tia that. Yeah, do come tomorrow night if you're free. The more the merrier. :D
nasib baik the 3rd comments tu kazardijam dah re-phrase balik... kalau tidak nak jugak aku lepuk si kazar tuu... cet... ko lupe ke si atan tu pun org yg glue his ass kat sejadah!! Asalkan tidur umah mak aku tu siap berimam kan dia satu family.. sejuknya hati.. insyallah bila dah selesai nanti, anak NinMon nak dengar kompang in January tawun depan.. semua tak nak tunggu.. sebab family atan memang serious.. my sisters pun dah bagi green light.. doakan.. insyallah..
But tak salah kalau dah minat dengar muzik tu.. dengor je lee.. jgn hanyut dah.. bagi sokongan moral tak pe.. jgn terikut dah..apa nak buat dah itu cara setengah org mencari rezeki..
Abang! terharunye abang nak datang nanti.. nanti na pikirkan nak ajak abang ke idak.. muahahahahaahaha..
bergurau bang oiii...
KK - sedap benor ke lagu ad coke tu sampai i tak leh ingat.Tp si pekkak buah pelaga macam u nie, suara lembu menguak pun sedap.
Dona - I memang tak leh gi GEM. I ada ceramah kat Beach Club.
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