The shop-whoring job in the above picture was when me and my sister combed the streets in London 2 years ago and went crazy with (ok la kasi contoh).... Burberry jacket which costs 900 ringgit lesser than those sold in Malaysia, bags that are 1200 ringgit cheaper than the boutiques in Malaysia.
I definitely WILL cam-whore too (my travel-mates, bear with me). Tak kisah la ambik gambar ngan mamat indon pun Indon lah! am hitting Bandung and Jakarta baby!! and I'm gonna check out some Indonesian Jazz and get my hair done for beratus ringgit more cheaper than kedai A Cut Above in Malaysia. They, over here, wont give-in to my long hair. For my hair length, to highlight and change base color and kasi treatment and basuh rambut sekali and blow dia mau charge almost quarter of my salary. Podah cit, eksyen sama aku ye. Takpe, akan ku bawa rambut ini ke Indon.
I am so happy and excited. I cant contain it anymore. Me and Chepakaran have been counting the dates in our calendars every day.
I am okay and will get involve with all your plan while in Jakarta and Bandung, but, please count me out when it is something to do with JAZZ. It poisonous to me. Toxic. It is like Chernobyl disaster to me. It is like Tsunami. Listening to Jazz is equivalent to killing my whole family. Gosh. I am wondering people pay and listen to Jazz in some restaurant in Great Eastern Mall. I would rather be alone at home listening to my cat "meowing".
i am wondering too whose the idiot who pay to listen to jazz at great eastern mall, when you can listen to jazz there for free.
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