Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Platonic Friendship

This normally works between two people of the opposite sex. Who just can go out, eat ice cream and come home and not even dream about each other.

The reason I have more guy friends are, most of the time, I think I'm one of them.

Its not that I dont like to be friends with girls, but, along the years when I have girlfriends, war break out like hell break loose when I start to speak my mind on things I dont like.

I missed my guys. I do. Not in a sexual way, but I missed slapping their heads and bitching with them. The kind of guys that I can sit hours and hours at a restaurant sampai kene halau sebab nak tutup and move on to another till dawn sampai lori sampah datang pagi nak angkut sampah at the kedai.

I dont mind doing these things once in a while. If I find the chance and time they know that my husband is that "one in a trillion" kind of husband that do not mind them being around me.

Once upon a time there was.....

1) Nizar

He was the ADC of a southern crown prince. During his off-duties, he will come by in one of the royal 4 wheeler and instead of honking me to come out (masa tu takde handphone), he will zonk up the car siren "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeowwwww!" and i will come out with a "will you shut the fuck up??"

After office hours, we would go "round round KL" and he will belanja me at really quiet places where we can park our royal automobile peacefully. Traffic jam was not a problem. We cut thru the massive jam with..... ehem.... the siren. :D The wailing of the siren and tinted glass works damn well to get us through the "keluar jalan2 and minum kejap"

2) Mr B and C

The two Johannians are like my friends since I was in early secondary. Mr B, came way back longer. Since we were in Tadika Chong!

Enuff with the fact that I did have a big crush on Mr C (sekarang tak please!).

When we grew up, when girls are having huge crushes on Mr B, I was the only probably weird one that didnt.

I have loooong stories to tell about them. Even though C got married much2 later than me and B, me and B went through separate marital mishaps together. We were practically helping each other through with our maybe little known, but, wisdoms for each other that helped a lot. He even was the person that my sister relied on for home cooked food in London when he's on duty there. He will bring frozen siput sedut and other masakan kampung for her. We just hung out to share problems till late, be it at our doorsteps. Dia macam, borak kat gate, then masuk duduk kat pintu, then lepak kat living room. Do absolutely nothing and everything, main foosball, main hujan, bawak keta laju2, hisap rokok sama2, pegi Piccad.

We all once took a car and even took some flowers from the roadside and re-planted them in our houses at 3 am. Kriminal juvana betul.

We all have since found our partners. But time to hang out together and re-live the good old days are most welcomed.

I will talk about more of these idiots as I blog along.

Nak gi masak kejap.


Kazardijam said...

I belief you have missed one name -Me.I respect your choice to either declare it or "sssyyyhhh" about it.You cook what today? Maggee ke?

Anonymous said...

sorry that I have to break out this sad news to you. Your name will appear probably at number 78, I baru list 2-3 ekor tu. A-ah.. you are that platonic friend/brother. The kind that I can bukak baju in front of you and you lari terus ke gerai durian to take a dive.

Kazardijam said...

Yes, I will run frantically and yelling "raksaksa, raksaksa, lari lari"....